Free Your Creative Genius:
Release Self-Judgment and Give Your Brilliance to the World

A Free 50-minute Masterclass to help you:

Get clear on your unique creative vision, so you can move forward with trust in your gifts and your path
Unearth what's been blocking you, so you can finally give the medicine you came here to give
Learn my #1 key to unlocking your creativity, so you can access creative flow your whole life long!

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Who is Marisa?

I’m a writer, singer-songwriter, teacher, and healer. I help creatives transform their blocks so they can give their genius to the world and feel fulfilled in their life purpose.

In 2010, a major wake-up call changed my life.

I’d just completed my MFA in Fiction from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and I’d received a Fulbright grant to India to work on my novel. Once there, years of pushing myself beyond my body’s limits caught up with me. I stopped sleeping, fell into panic, and entered a full-on breakdown.

For years, I’d been a student of vipassana Buddhism, regularly sitting long silent retreats, even teaching meditation. But when I wasn’t on retreat, my days were dominated by drive and adrenaline: organizing for social change, writing and singing about social change issues, singlehandedly trying to save the world (and myself!).

I left India and came home to wend my way through a lengthy dark night of the soul. I couldn’t write, couldn’t sing, couldn’t even work. Slowly, as I took steps to heal myself, I opened to an entirely different way of doing creativity. This was a practice grounded in receptivity, in flow, in trust in a creative force much greater than my own egoic plans.

Before long, I was creating new work, work that felt different, bolder. And I felt different while doing it: alive, inspired, powerful. I documented what I’d learned and began teaching it at Stanford and using it with my clients. In seeing their results, I realized it was time to bring this paradigm to others. Because if there’s ever been a moment the world has needed as many of us as possible drawing on our greatest creative gifts, it is now.

What makes you qualified to do this?

I’ve had the blessing of over twenty years of experience in my twin vocations, art and self-realization.

On the creative side, I am the author of the memoir Loyal to the Sky, which won a Nautilus Gold Award for world-changing books. My essays, fiction, and poetry have appeared in numerous publications. My songs and music videos are available on all the things. I earned my MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and I’ve received numerous fellowships in Creative Writing, including a Fulbright and an Elizabeth George Foundation grant.

On the healing side, I’ve spent the past twenty-two years exploring the mind, body, and spirit. I’ve been practicing Insight Meditation in retreats and daily life since 2002, and teaching since 2012. I am a Certified Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, a powerful practice for questioning painful beliefs and accessing intrinsic wisdom. I also have long-term practices in Authentic Movement, Somatic Experiencing, and various forms of dance. I teach widely on creativity and transformation at venues like Stanford, Spirit Rock, Esalen, the California Institute for Integral Studies, and Gaia House (UK).

Last but certainly not least, I’ve had the great joy of seeing my coaching clients change their lives and succeed in their creative work—ranging from landing six-figure publishing deals, to signing with prestigious agents, to finally writing again after multi-year blocks.

I will offer you the best tools I’ve found, loving accountability and stalwart support, and a breathing example of someone living this path with integrity and joy.

I can’t wait to cheer you on as you reveal the great treasures of your being, dear one.

Let’s birth your creative work.

Copyright © Marisa Handler. All Rights Reserved

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